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Why is a day only 24 hours?

A day, 24 hours. It is definitely not long enough. As a Mum there is never enough time for you (while I am not a mum to a human baby I do have a fur baby so I can relate..... right?)

I am a teacher, a mum (to a fur-princess), a wife, a designer, creator, and organiser. I love to design. I teach students how to design, create and express themselves through the world of textiles. I have always loved it and I am sure I always will. My problem is that I have so many ideas, too many ideas. I have lists, notebooks, pieces of paper, diaries, post-its full with things I want to make, want to design.

I am sitting here on the couch (which I should do more of) looking through my phone for inspiration, being hassled from my husband for having an absurdly ridiculous amount of Safari tabs open on my phone (265 to be precise - the proof is down below), being asked why I don't just close them down. WHY? Because they are full of ideas and inspiration that I do not want to forget about or lose, that's why.

Between my Safari tabs, and my camera roll sitting at 7996 photos you may be thinking that I am an unorganised mess of a human? It may be surprising, but I am able to find the photos that I require, along with the webpage that I am looking for. Everything has its place and when I am done with it, I certainly will think about deleting it. A place for everything and everything in its place.

The Design Room, my design room is the same, labelled, overly organised yet without being a static and boring place; it is full of colour, style and fun. And while my mother hassles me about my organisation, she was more than happy when I went home with my vinyl cutter and labelled her kitchen pantry jars in her new kitchen. How ironic.

The Design Room is my happy place, where I can create, design and share these designs with others. I just need to find a few extra hours in the day. A few extra hours that I can spend in The Design Room, as I love coming home from school and going there to fill the orders that have been placed throughout the day. it gives me a sense of pride and excitement that people are enjoying what I am creating. My workmates are loving their new laptop decals (and they are always a point of conversation with the kids).

So while I may not be a 'mum', I do sometimes get called it from the students that I teach, and I understand somewhat the exhaustion that 30 students in a room can have on you.

We just need to find more time, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE at The Design Room.

My current Safari tab situation
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